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Everything my brother said and we'll be doing a polish pass and updating the game after the jam ends so you can look forward to that. I am hoping to add some customizability to the locations of your holsters and body as well as your gun holding angle so that you can adjust it to whatever your situation.

That is correct the hats don't have any real effect other than making you feel like a cowboy or cowgirl. Haha. Should have mentioned somewhere you can shoot them to make them fly to you. I didn't want to go for a traditional kind of ray grab that you see in a lot of games, this is more akin to like half life alyx I guess but the interaction is you shoot it to make it fly to you.

Anyway I hope you had fun and when we update it maybe you'll give it another go and it will be smoother. Regardless we'll be trying to take this stuff into consideration going forward into other games and game jams.


Yes, i indeed did not get, that i could also just shoot the hats, but sounds fun :-D

Yeah, i think it's actually a very simple fix, just move the body a few cm backwards, and then probably all problems i had, would be gone^^  But no worries, i rated it, as if the body would have been at the "correct" position. Definitely looking forward to a polished version of this game in future :-)


I've taken your feedback into account on our post game jam polish pass and I made it so you can put the holsters wherever you want, shoulders, chest, floating in front of you. I forgot to add the ability to adjust where the body is, but I'll go ahead and move it back a little bit so when you look down you aren't looking right at it. I'll try to get it to follow your virtual neck more so that it is out of the way. And maybe I'll add in a body adjustment just to be sure.

Technically the body was directly under the head which means when you look down it doesn't move back like it would if it were attached to your neck. So that's what I hope to fix with that change.

Hope you'll try it again after the jam.