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(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

Just tried out the demo and am VERY IMPRESSED! I usually don't try rpgmaker games, but this one's premise and art really got my attention. Really like the overall story, and the potential routes. Really can't wait for the full release!

Now, I will say the fog is a bit too foggy in the forest (to the point that its hard to see clearly), so am hopeful that this can be toned down a bit in the final game. I'm also hoping for more sexual options in combat (either winning or losing). The enemy artwork is pretty hot, so they need some sexytimes to go with it. Finally, I'd suggest some bottoming routes with the watch be added.


hi I’m glad you enjoyed it! 

I’ll definitely tone down the fog, and implement bottoming scenes. With the enemies, I was planning scenes with them, but at the moment I will focus on the human characters first. But hopefully I’ll include everything in the full release.