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already had some scenes done in game, but they were few and early in the script. Now that the script is complete, I've been organizing myself so that the game is built from the inside in the most optimal way possible.

This was a recent decision when I completed the story, I felt that with some twists and shifts I could get more out of the story, since I intentionally left a few things out to make the story work. So I decided to reserve two open slots for two possible routes to continue where the main story left off.

Those who play visual novels are familiar with this: Routes that you play in a recommended (or sometimes strict) order where the story goes down different paths and gets more complex each time, taking advantage of things the previous route did and left off. But I have the problem that this was a poorly thought out decision, it was practically done in days, the supposed 'Harmful Route' was supposed to be the only story available, and it's the one that will be available in version 1.0 of the game, but if at the end of the game I am satisfied with what I did, there are people who liked it and would like to see more development of the visual novel (optional, a generous soul supports me monetarily a little bit.) I dare to expand the story of Harmful Heaven in 1 or 2 more routes. Harmful Route lasts an average of 2 hours (taken out by beta reader reading time) so they are not long stories either, which makes things easier.

There are scenes, themes and characters to be exposed and shine in these two routes, but.... It won't matter much if the first main story is bad! I have to make Harmful Heaven's main story as good as possible so that there is a quality base from the beginning and worth the expansions. All the more reason to give my best effort in this!

The following is not a flowchart, it's more of a super basic guide so I don't get so lost in what I'm going to do in the in-game construction of the story. I make references to important events in the game.

I've done several other things today, but I'll show them later. Dang, I slept very little and woke up with more energy than I should have, I feel like my body is a machine, a very worn out one right now, I'll try to sleep early. The development continues.