I love the details in this game. It's one where choosing one phrase or attitude changes the dialogue or the impression several minutes later in another context. It's a choice which influence the story.
The MC is really smart, we can see her reasonning, it's a nice change and perfect for a detective story. It's something we can see even outside of the "investigating times".
I was pleasantly surprised to discover actually 3 endings possible in the demo and waitforit 2 murders. People ! Considering your choices the first victim is NOT THE SAME ! Yes capitals were needed. It's awesome. I could investigate only one of the two murders (I guess time was lacking for the other) but whoa.
And so many suspects. They truly are all lying. Even though I have still some sweet spot for some of them. With the demo I have no idea who is guilty. So many things are suspicious. So many people too. Just take the clerk no one sees at all the morning after. Is he dead ?
Oh talking about the clerk I thought one question was missing after reading the testament (specially when you decide to go back and question the clerks; even though it's a question you can actually ask other people family members or even workers; people need witnesses after all) : Do you know the content of the old testament ?
Let's hold our thoughts on the current testament to our MC ah, ah or even the grandfather... I'm really curious to know if I missed anything in the possible endings of the demo so please tell me.
I really loved the ambiance and to discover our suspects. I mean our ROs or LIs as you prefer. Blake is my favorite so far. I had to say it since nobody else mentioned him.