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(2 edits) (+5)(-1)

I gave this a quick try after seeing the rather negative (and a bit rude) review, here are my own thoughts:

-I really like the art work. It and the medieval aesthetic feel like they blend in nice for the choice of setting.

-Lovemaking scenes: In general, these are too short and lack depth. I'll forgive the first one, as its a dream, but in general, sex starts, progresses, and ends. The scenes don't feel like they end (or really start), they just start, and then move on to the next. Usually, sex is something that comes down after a relationship is established and things are discovered, and chemistry fizzles. Or it's a transaction, but even then, the action of it can show and convey the personality of each partner. These scenes don't really do that. It's a chapter 1, but comparing to other visual novels who have done early sex approaches, it's definitely a weakness.

-I notice the world is entered by the MC via VR, but I feel like I would just have it be taken place in the fantasy world without the need to set it. Obviously though, that's more of a subjective criticism.

-I don't really care about the wording of "range of romantic possibilities", but MarloweC has a point about sexuality. If you intend to offer different sexuality options, I would make it configurable from the start.

-I'd use the word "demo" over chapter 1, as chapter 1 is far too short for a chapter, but if this is your first visual novel, I applaud you for getting this far. It's hard work! I think if you give the relationships more substance, give a bit more tender love and care to the sex scenes, and add a bit more to the starting player experience, I can see it having potential.


Thanks for the feedback!

We agree with your comments and will make changes in the next update.