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Wow I got some things done today! I checked in with my artist, she should get something for me to see tomorrow. All 65 cards are ready to put on the card art when it arrives. A rough copy of the rule book is complete (awaiting art to show examples, and needs a proof read on another day as I'm too close to it to catch all typos right now)

Here is the rough rule book text:

Journey to the Throne Room 

A Biblical Odyssey of a Boy Named David to King 


Set Up

All players start at Bethlehem.

Each player starts with 2 cards - if any of them require a dice roll to proceed to a landmark, please draw again and shuffle those cards back into the deck.  (see cards for more details)

The player that last took a trip goes first.

To Play

Roll the die then move the number of spaces shown on the board towards the end of the road Jerusalem.

The player draws a card and decides if they wish to play it now or hold onto it. (Some cards must be played at once see cards section) 

The player may play as many cards as they desire on their turn. (With one exception- You may only give one negative card to each opposing player per turn)

Discard any used cards and settle any rewards/ penalties your card may have given you.


All cards have instructions on the bottom of them to make it easy to recall in game play.

Play Now Cards 

These cards are fights, or objectives that David had to complete/ overcome to get to the throne. It will state, “ Roll the die to ____. If you roll a 1 you (positive outcome). 2-6 you lose, and return to the last landmark on the board.”

If you have a card that allows you to pick additional dice numbers you may use these here. You may stack these and use as many cards as you wish to help you.


 Play Whenever (on your turn) 

Faith/ Favor Cards

Cards that build up faith/ God’s favor can be stacked to aid in fights/ obstacle cards. 

They read something similar to this: “Faith in the battle is yours! Pick 2 numbers to add to the die as winners.“

These cards allow you to pick 1-3 additional numbers on the die to be victorious. (The higher your favor with God the better your odds of a good outcome) See the example 1-1 above

There are 3 special cards that allow you to pick 3 extra numbers if you share a testimony (story of something God did in your life) or something you are grateful to God for. (It can be as simple as “I’m glad God got me up this morning!” Whatever your comfort zone is. 

Once these cards are used, they must be discarded.

Loss of Faith Cards

These cards fill you with fear and can be played by an opposing player during another player's turn to make them either discard the used  faith/favor cards, or if none are available make it harder to achieve victory. (This hardship to to simulate how hard it is to be successful when we let fear rule us, there is a small chance we will perform ok, but it will be hard won). 

Lose a Turn Cards

If you pick up a “lose a turn card”, you may hold it and gift it to another player on a later turn of yours. 

Other Negative Cards

Like ”lose a turn cards”, you may hold onto these cards and present it on your turn to an opposing player when you choose. 

These cards will tell you what to do, examples are:

Note on Negative Card Use

You may not give any other negative card at the same time to the same player. However, if there are three players I may give each opposing player a single negative card on my turn.  

Protection cards

There are cards that can reject a negative card. These cards can be played anytime a card if given to you that will affect you negatively. 

This can apply to loss of faith, losing a turn etc. 

(There are a couple of cards that specify they ONLY protect you from a loss of turn).

This card must be discarded once used. 

To Win 

The first player to reach Jerusalem wins.

Works Used

All verses are copied from The World English Bible(, it)is in the Public Domain. That means that it is not copyrighted. However, "World English Bible" is a Trademark.

Art was completed by Janine Crosswhite

Timeline and dates were referenced from

Game board locations were referenced from: