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Congrats guys I’m glad to see this game thriving, I’ve been here not since the beginning but, pretty early. It’s amazing seeing this game gradually grow, quick question though is there going to be anymore tracer content? She’s my favorite character by far and I’d love to have more scenes with her.


Thank you so much! We really appreciate having you around for so long!
We are working on completely remaking Tracer's story from the scratch, so it will match our current standards when it comes to overall quality. Her existing route is rather lackluster and we intend to change it. We don't want her to feel off and underdeveloped in comparison to Sombra, for example. So yea, you will definitely see much more of Tracer in the future! Like, a lot more.

Yay! I guess I’ll contemplate getting one of those lovense things then with your link I’ll have to save some cash though, hopefully I’ll have enough to spare when you get the tracer stuff out.

Deleted 1 year ago