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Great work! Game is clear and easy to understand, although it took me a few parcels to realise that I was meant to be wrapping some items individually based on the list and where to do that.

I completed two shifts of the game so it is clear there is replayability, although it may get a little boring after a couple shifts unless it had some kind of other goal and objective or change in difficulty and complexity.

Mechanics work perfectly though. I even tried to purposely break them after I finished with it but the only issue I could cause was get the door on the wrap machine to disappear and act up after putting one of the boxes into it or multiple items. So the game is pretty solid.

The graphics look good too and nice texture work. It is all coherent. The only thing is there is a lot of aliasing which could maybe be reduced.

The theme is clear however I feel that it could have more of a 'special' element to it rather than just 'delivery'.