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Hello, thank you so much for your review! I really do appreciate the constructive criticism because it helps me improve. I'm currently working on the actual first version of the game (this demo is not completely reflective of the full product) where I've been trying to make it more flexible. As for the personality, it will be reflected more in the future chapters! It was a bit difficult to do so in the first chapter because the "personality stats" are at 0.

Once again though, thank you so much. I will definitely take your words into account and work on making the beginning more inclusive when it comes to personalities :) Hope you stick around for the first launch!

(1 edit)

Thank you for taking my useless ramble kindly. I've been told I can be quite blunt when giving out my penny for thoughts and it often results in me sounding like a jackass. As you can guess, it's something I haven't been able to fix just yet. I hate hurting people's feelings whether by accident or otherwise so I do hope you sincerely forgive me for that. However, do be aware that I am excited for the potential this project brings and I can't wait for further updates :)

Your ramble was not useless, it was actually really helpful :') And don't worry, I don't mind at all! I'm very glad you're excited!! <3