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(1 edit)

A short-and-sweet episode which does a great job of hauling you into its world, making you walk around in it, and then pushing you out the door before you're ready to leave.

I have watched no JoJo, but found it easy enough to understand the happenings of the story, and from what I could tell, the writer does a great job blending the two lores in a smooth fashion. This is a relief; if it were more intricate in the JoJo lore, I'm afraid I would have felt very lost. 

So let's get to more specific things. Original characters are something which are always difficult to pull off when creating something expected to fit into known universes, but the OC here is effortless. (Keeping it to OC in order to avoid spoilers.) Their motivations are clear, their personality easy to perceive and it's easy to feel for them in such a foreign land. I found their "stand" of particular interest and wish I could have explored that a little more.

The art is also wonderfully done; all three characters are unique and filled to the brim with personality in a way that's hard to describe unless you see it. I deeply appreciated the gradual deteriorations and animations as well; it gave the story a real sense of visual urgency rarely seen in VNs. The "stand" and "character" stills are also great, though I wish they could have been a little more readable.

I am, frankly, upset there isn't more to read. I had settled down for more, but found that the game closed itself out right as it got to the good part. (I likely should have seen this coming all considered, but still, I hoped against hope.) Regardless, the writing itself was wonderful, even if the use of scare quotes felt excessive (lots of 'this' kind of 'quote' in the dialogue 'really' distracted me at times, but I don't really know how to fix that.) It captured the energy of JoJo dialogue while still being accessible. The shift to narration at parts also felt appropriate; the ending of the OC arc is something which will keep me up at night for awhile, given its implications.

Music was appropriate for their respective situations, and the backgrounds were distinctly American when it needed to be and distinctly Japanese when it needed to be. Though, considering the forest is named, it would have been nice to see a forest from that named place included. (This might actually be the case, so feel free to correct me on that if so.)

All in all, it is a shame real life got in the way of this being completed by the deadline, but I am once again blown away by the creativity and execution of concept from Aeon and crew in getting this out for all to see. Thanks so much for making this.