Beta Version Log:
- Fixed movement tile (map #6) causing soft-lock.
- Fixed several grammatical text issues.
- Fixed graphics for secret forest Apothecary tiles.
- Fixed several Dark Altar tiles registering as Explore tiles for Druid staff.
- Implemented Character Cursor
- Displays sprites for player/NPCs.
- Player sprite is random by default, but can be toggled in settings.
- Expanded Explore Tile Outcomes - Several new events/encounters.
- Improved Menu Interfaces - UI now shows relevant stats.
- Merchant/Supplies screen show prices & Gold total.
- Trophies/Archives screens show Gems.
- Treasures screen shows Mana.
- Miner event no longer ends when inputted choice isn't possible.
- Added tooltip prompt on how Scoring works.
- Reduced mana cost of Blessed Cross from 4 > 3.
- Reduced standard Treasure cost from 30 > 25.
- Reduced gold from Library per treasure from 5 > 4.
- Increased Score needed for Stategist trophy from 120 > 150.
- Removed Potions from Merchant's stock.
- Fixed Lootbag tiles only ever giving Potions.
- Fixed Bandit tile (map #16) setting gold to wrong value.
- Minor fixes and changes to text, sprites and screen transitions.
- Fixed high scores not displaying Gem total correctly.
- Fixed specific movement tile causing off-screen soft lock.
- Fixed graphical glitch with a movement tile.
- Expanded High Scores - Shows top 5 scores and run completion status.
- Added Alternate Tiles - Replace others at set points during a run.
- Hunters (Inn
Alt.) - Gives rations at start of a run.
- Apothecary (Merchant
Alt.) - Gives potions at start of a run.
- Movement tiles now flip direction in latter half of runs.
- Hunters (Inn
- Added Toggles - Intended for experienced players.
- Skip Intro/Tooltips - Press 4x SELECT on Title screen.
- Enable Fast Dice Rolls - Press 4x SELECT on Supplies screen.
- Added preliminary gold check for Merchant.
- Magic no longer displayed as option for combat if mana is too low.
- Environmental Effects (Soldiers/Undead) limited to appearing twice each per run.
- Movement tiles mostly reduced to move you only 1 tile.
- Increased cost of Druid Staff from 3 > 4.
- Reduced mana debuff of Undead from 2 > 1.
- Reduced gold gained via Assassins from 24 > 23.
- Various tile functionality & text fixes.
- [DMG] Fixed major graphical bug appearing from region 4 onward.
- [DMG] Fixed many instances of visible text glitches.
- Overhauled Audio
- Added Sound Effects.
- Adjusted music playback speed.
- Added music/SFX mute toggles.
- Added New Maps/Regions
- 4 new overworld maps (16 total).
- 2 new secret forest maps (3 total).
- Optimisations - Less slowdown.
- Dark Altar teleport now moves you 2-4 tiles instead of always 3.
- Fixed cursor-lock when scrolling/selecting quickly.
- Fixed scrying wand cost and dialogues.
- Varied Secret Forest Entrances - Now need to be searched for, can't just be memorised, incentivises changing routes.
- Added Environmental Modifiers - Affect Explore
- Boneyard (Undead) - High debuff potential. 10% appear chance.
- Watchtower (Soldiers) - High buff potential. 10% appear chance.
- Reduced Gold awarded per treasure on Library tiles from 6 > 5.
- Fixed Treasure tile (map #3) causing soft-lock (infinite loop).
- Fixed cross directional choices not giving options the second time around.
- Fixed Inn tile not giving all options, also streamlined text.
- Fixed secret forests not giving re-rolls on repeat visits.
- Various other tile functionality fixes.
- Fixed 'Reroll Possible' trigger not resetting on new game (title screen).
- Fixed Druid Staff not resetting when entering new region.
- Fixed specific Loot-bag tile causing off-screen soft lock.
- Fixed Library tile text.
- Added Alternate Tiles - Replace others at set points during a run.
- Library (Loot-bag
Alternative) - Gives gold based on # of treasures.
- Lake (Wizard
Alternative) - Provides additional dice re-rolls.
- Library (Loot-bag
- Added Treasure Lender - Free piece of treasure now given at mid-way point of a run.
- Added Event Avatars - Some events now have avatars in dialogue.
- Added preliminary gold check for Wizard & Inn.
- [DMG] Blocked access to Archive (system incompatible with feature).
- Fixed explore (secret) tiles not giving re-rolls properly on revisits.
- Minor graphical & text alterations.
- Revamped Scoring - Scoring is no longer exclusive to victorious runs. Victories instead get +20% bonus score.
- Added Dice Re-rolling
- Start each game with a limited number of re-rolls to your dice.
- Redesigned Cursor - In-game cursors are now a lot clearer.
- Reduced mana cost of Blessed Cross from 6 > 4.
- [DMG] Added check for colour compatible systems on palette changes (crash fix).
- [DMG] Adjusted intro to fix graphical bug.
- Minor text fixes & alterations.
- Minor tile functionality fixes.
- Fixed Ration/Potion count not resetting on new game.
Initial Public Release