WW1 - No Man's Land Devlog 10
Sorry for another small progress report. This took awhile, but I finally got all 292 frames for the German troops done! Hit a little roadblock along the way too: the old pixel art editor I was using kept crashing on me due to the number of frames, so I ended up having to transfer a fair amount of frames over into a new pixel art editor called Aseprite. Also, whilst trying to actually import these into Unity, I found that I needed to do some major reworks to my animation system, but it's all back in business now!
With the completion of these frames, both the British and German troops now have the majority of their side view animations complete. Now, they just need the front and back view frames, and I wanna go back and spice up the idle animations a bit more (currently those just use 1 frame, which is a bit dull). Also wanna add some more special animations for when troops are hit with explosive projectiles (artillery, grenades, etc.), and fix a lot of janky stuff that is still going on in the actual game (sorting orders, movement speeds, etc).
Anyways though, below is a vid of all this in action:
Going to keep pushing forward! Thanks for taking a look, and if all this poked your interest, feel free to check out my other devlogs!