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I'm surprised at how balanced this feels. How much time did you spend just on tuning and polish?
My only complaint is that it takes a long time to figure out what each enemy type does, which I suppose a certain kind of player might actually enjoy.


Thank you!

I dunno how much time I spent on it, but I had two active playtests (watching others play) and a couple of other playtests, of which the playtesters just noted what they thought of the game - and, well, I also played a bunch myself, but that's not really a trustworthy source, haha. I mainly took the opinions of playtesters to balance numerics as well as adding some new mechanics (for example, in earlier versions a player would immediately have access to all enemy types, some of which the player just isn't prepared for).

And your criticism is totally fair! I was planning on making a tooltip system for the enemies, but from the playtesters it seemed like they did enjoy figuring out how enemies worked - but there were definitely some who'd rather know what an enemy does from the get-go, which is understandable!