I really like this concept and the idea of "resetting puzzles back to their original state" is a very untapped style of designing a puzzle. I felt that some of the levels did feel like they were "just" puzzles and I just had to think about them in a traditional way, whereas it would have been so interesting to think outside the box and deconstruct what a puzzle actually is, and how you would unsolve it.
I liked the levels that more leaned into this, ones where the solutions were neatly lined up at the end and you had to unwind it into a more complicated solution. Instead of going to a portal, it would have made more sense to me if you had to go back to the intended player starting point (if it was a real puzzle).
This has created a really interesting discussion for me and the idea of it has some really cool potential. It would be worth looking at the approaches other games in this jam take to making puzzles, as it could help you gain a better perspective on how to "deconstruct them"!