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This was a fun concept, and the art and music is very pleasant.
I liked the contrast of being a little apple cruising along, then the tension when the Snakes come swimming along.
I noticed that if I went vertically, I could go a very long time without seeing a snake.  Not sure if that was just a coincidence or something about the AI.
Got a 10,000 score.  Dunno if that's good or not.


Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, the weird snake-spawning thing was probably me. We were in a rush to get this in so we spent the last of our time bug-fixing to make it playable. The spawn area should be the entire area around the player off-screen but I made a mistake somewhere and now they only spawn below the player. So for anybody looking for snakes, you'll probably want to head directly downward most of the time. Also, the top score I've seen was like 240000 by a child who I got to agree to the condition of only heading down most of the time so he could get a proper game experience.