Got it to work with the zip file (Windows). Ambitious to go with a 3D game with a moving character! I don't see how you're the platforms though (or how it fits the theme really). You're instructed to move the player and drag the dog. The first time I played, the first plank falls down when you walk on it and then I was stuck (pushing the reset button didn't fix it). I relaunched the game and tried again after reading your "how does your game fit the theme" but I couldn't figure out how to move the platforms, but I got to the pink house where I lost the ability to jump. I just held the dog all the way. Not sure what was intended with the "stay" and "follow" commands of the dog.
The 3D starting instructions were behind the player, so it was good that you put some text there. The title screen was incredibly stretched and it was very unclear where to go or what to do. But good try - hope you had fun!