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at first I thought the bosses were 16x16 in size

then I realized they're made up of a single 8x8 sprite rotated four times.  that's a really clever way to fit larger sprites within the restrictions!

gameplay is pretty awesome too.  the sheer amount of polish is amazing

close -- rather than being a single 8x8 part rotated a few times to form a larger image, i made many 8x8 sprites and then basically stitched them together through a script i made to give the impression that they're greater than 8x8. ("metasprite") thank you for your kind words!

hmm, that seems a little more cheap to me...  it's one of those things where it's "technically" correct but it doesn't quite align with the "spirit" of the constraints in my book, but I guess it's just a matter of opinion...

this of course does not detract from the quality of the game itself

i dunno. the rules said meta sprites were allowed so i just went with it.


As the host of the jam, this is correct. :)