Miko is dead.
Faith is fuel.
Makai is full.
I didn't expect a boomshoot on a touhou pride jam but hey, here we are.
Pretty fun game. I enjoy a good boomshoot from time to time, having grown up with the stuff because all the games I had growing up were what my big brother had.
As to feedback... well, I feel like some enemies and some things still require tweaking. Like, the enemies homing in on you are a little too aggressive and give you little time to react before you take damage because they are fast, relentless and give you no warning they are about to attack you. There are spawn markers, but the spawnmarkers don't tell you what enemy is going to spawn where, so all you can really do is stay away from the spawn markers and even then they hunt you down in the blink of an eye, leading you to take damage, which doesn't really feel fair to me.
The level 4 weapon has splash damage, which took me a while to figure out. I assume it's like the quivalent to a rocket launcher in doom (although the explosion effect reminded me of the OG Doom BFG tbh). Splashdamage would be fine for such a weapon, but since the enemies are so relentless and in your face, and you are being swapped to the weapon instantly upon reaching Level 4, I died a bunch of time to that which also feels very unfair.
Pick-ups despawn a little too quickly too, especially since you have little in the way of control on when you can actually safely pick them up. Because of enemy behaviour, they tend to clump together, so if you move in to pick up what you want to pick up, you will probaly take a bunch of damage.
Compounding these issues is the lack of invicibility upon being hit, so one little fairy that homes in on you and shoots projectiles can kill you in an instant if you aren't constantly circlestrafing and jumping, restricting your movement options. Sometimes it feels like damage is all but innevitable because they can pump you full of bullets from point blank range with little you can do about it except shooting them, which is made more difficult because they are up in your face constantly (ironically).
Plus, I think the difficulty curve is kinda whacky, since the first two waves are what I felt to be the hardest, with subsequent waves being pretty chill comparatively, until Wave 10 kicked my ass again.
It would be good to maybe start with a smaller enemy count in the first waves, like going from one or two fairies, until ramping up to what the current wave 1 is. Currently it is very trial by fire, and idk, I can imagine some people would quit after having tried the first wave and dying within 5 seconds because they still were getting their bearings.
Despite my many complains, this shows promise and I did have fun with it or else I wouldn't have played until I was good enough at it to get to Wave 10. Pretty impressive for a one person show, at any speed. And... well, I liked the little illustrations for story mode, even if it was ultimately broken, lol.