What a feat of a game to have made in just 48 hours, I´m impressed! Love the whymsical context of the protagonist being a robber who must return items, it fits the Jam´s theme in a clever way! The feedback is really well implemented and I like the silhouettes, they´re really noticable and serve as a good indication of which items are missing and how many are left (although I placed a cupboard in the second level and it wasn´t right when I put it down...I´m pretty sure I did it correctly :_( ) Loved the music choices and I got past the first level, yay! The second one was really big, as you get more experience, you´ll know where everything is but for first time play-through, it was a bit much for me (especially since I´m terrible at spatial coordination)
If there was anything I would want in an update, it would probably be some kind of meter or indication for how far I am to winning the level (How many items do I still need to put in?)
Great job everyone, 5/5! ;D