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Do you think this would be a good game to live stream?


I have seen it live streamed, but by someone who was totally new to it, so it was a sort of crowd sourcing for answers situation, and that was very interesting. (and super informative to me, and led to several fixes and updates) If 'im being totally honest, id be honored if you chose to do that, but would very much leave it up to you. It has the appeal of being free, so any one who showed interest would be welcome to poke around in it themselves. There's Multiple endings, so if you think you have an audience that might enjoy you poking around to find more, then i think it could lend itself again to have people saying try this and try that. Not to mention, they could join you in playing and perhaps discover things you haven't. But in total honesty, and transparency id say Yes,but only if you think their might be more you haven't discovered, such as, the game has multiple endings with a view of the outside world. I tried my best to layer this game with replay value. 

(1 edit)

I will be streaming it tomorrow on my new Twitch account DufusdiggetyDoggo. Do you think maybe you can spread the word, I need subs lol

Also, would you like to join my "proud to be - Game Jam" It only has two people right now and I need more lol

Sure, share a link or invite me or whatever you gotta do :)

Thank you so much, lol