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Feels like game with completed style and idea. I know this has no end, but I even tried to decrease resources to zero - to resolve problems in this kingdom.

I have one suggestion:
You  maybe could show the name of the quest entered by the player after quest finished or in the other situation. Because now the obligation to create a name for the quest
sounds some useless and maybe boring

Hi, thanks for playing!

When a hero completes a quest, a pop up appears in the down left corner, showing the name of the quest. Maybe is a bit subtle or not working at all in this build 😅  

Did you managed to decrease the resources? I'm planning on updating the game but in this version I dont know if its possible.

I'm so inattentive! Yeah, name of the quest really appears in the down. Sorry:))

And no, I didn't manged to decrease all resources. I can decrease only one of four resources. It was just interesting to check if maybe something happens in result

No problem, I think the pop up is hardly noticeable :P I'll make it more readable in the upcoming update.