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(1 edit) (+2)

First of all,HOLY SHIT the combat is atrocious.Its basically like skyrim combat but worse considering you have to drag your shield instead of clicking a button and attacking is even worse because you have to time your attack based on the animation that it plays.Instead of awkward weapon flailing:sword,axe,pike,spear and club should have there own animation instead of the main character flailing them around like he have muscle disfiguration.Also,add more damage to the bow,its lacking some punch like an actual bow.

Second of all,the campaign is so repetitive.Go from one point to another while slaying some dudes while getting a key to open up a gate so you can get a scarlet from adventure time(Haven't finished it yet because i was bored to continue the armory quest).Add some variety to your levels.Don't just throw different enemy type see what sticks.

These are the two main problem i found from the campaign alone.Really hope you improve the combat and the really edgy full caps story.

P.S:You should be able to attack while the shield is up,else the shield have no real purpose on the battlefield or at all.


There will be a new fighting system with procedural animations soon. And the player attacks will be changed too, to allow dynamic attacks even with the shield.


You can always give your opinions nicely and not criticize the flaw of the game. JNI create this gmae by himself and its a new game so there is much more to be improve. It will be more nice of you if you can show more respect to people's hardwork. Thanks.

(4 edits)

A bad game can become good after being criticize.Pointing out the flaw does not ruin the game for people.I'm just suggesting room for improvement.Criticizing a game is not disrespecting the creator,its basically telling them that there are problems with there games.To be honest even if a game is created by one guy,its still deserved to be criticize.

P.S; You really should look up the definition of criticism if you think i was hating on the creator mate :\

Side note:I mean if you guys can report bug and glitch why can't i report the flaws of this game?Why,because its different?

PP.S; And what do you mean i should give my opinion nicely?I clearly said at the last sentences:"I really hope you would improve the combat and the really edgy full caps story" i did not say : "Wow this game is utter garbage and should not be on the top page of itch io" Like i said,this game have room for improvement,i'm not trying to take this game down just because i don't like it.I simply just want to see it IMPROVE not removed.