Got this game on behalf of the Review Swap from the Post Jam Productions Server!!
First, sorry, I had part of the gameplay off screen, but I don't think most of the viewers missed much... That right there is a problem. I had no idea what was going on, and while I got the concept, I didn't feel like I was doing much to help. I would fail and not get why, I wouldn't press the proper keys for the sequence, healing adds 0+ to the hero, even after the hero dies the game still continues and the enemy still takes damage. Ok, I feel like there were a lot of rushed elements in this game, and it could use some polish. I think having some feedback for when you press the keys would be nice. Like if you get it right, then it glows green, wrong then it glows red. I also think that you should just keep it with 4 keys to help with constancy, I suggest either W,A,S,D or Up,Down,Left,Right. It would also be nice to see the effects on the hero to see if we succeeded or not. Another idea is that if you do fail the sequence, then have the effects apply to the enemy where it makes the game harder. Also the game should end if the hero dies. Just a few ideas...