The art and music are cool and well made. I liked the reactions of the characters and the overall art-style of the game with the relaxing music in the background.
I think the concept of "reverse Uno" was lost somewhere in development because the goal of the AI is to still get to 0 cards (which is confusing since they are playing a different game than you) and the main goal of the game is not really to gain the most cards, but to make sets. I know making sets requires you to get more cards instead of getting rid of them, but in the end you are still getting rid of cards and I think it would have been more fitting for the theme to instead see who can get the most amount of cards in a certain number of turns with some added gameplay elements (like the -2 card which is pretty clever).
Even though it is confusing as I said earlier, having to win before the AI gets rid of all their cards is a cool gameplay loop, especially with the stealing mechanic since that is the only real way to gain a higher number of cards and is something that I have never seen before (excluding from real life games with friends) and is fun to do. In addition, seeing what the AI are going to play next adds a neat sense of strategy and is a very smart addition to the game, giving more thought and depth on what to steal and what card to play next.
Sorry for writing you an essay (this is my 3rd time today, I don't know if it is a problem).