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Hi! I almost forgot to say, so I'm doing it before forgetting for good:

You're not the first to hit Android limits: I've seen at least 2 games having the same issue, and I'm pleased to say they found a way to get around it.

The first solution involved using Joiplay, which I wouldn't recommend because it is a bit harder to run and since it is emulated it can present incompatibility or performance problems.

The second is far better, they managed to split the game in 2 files: an apk with the game code and a file that contains all the resources of the game. They even managed to require the resource file to be put in a Documents' sub-folder, thus avoiding file managers and permission issues.

As for how exactly it works, I cannot say much since I'm not developing on either RenPy or Andoid. I'm just reporting other's discoveries, I hope it will help a bit (feel free to ask which games I'm talking about, I don't want to make unwanted advertising).

That second solution sounds promising, if a little daunting. But I'd love to know what games implemented it since I'll have to bite the bullet sooner or later.


(For safety, all links are on

So first there was Lucky Paradox. The author, Stawer, got the solution from one of his Discord's user in response to Joiplay not working very good, before getting simplified without file manager:

New Android Build for Lucky Paradox    |    Android Master Guide for Lucky Paradox

Then Zimon, author of Champion of Realms, heard about this, and found the complete method by himself (but didn't explained it publicly), then also simplified it:

Android Version Apk + Addons    |    Android Simplifications

That is almost all info I have as of now. It might need a bit of online search, or trying to contact one or another.

Thanks again for the pointers! I'll spend some time poking around and see if I can get in on this.


You're welcome