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Deleted 1 year ago

brother its not that deep go beat ya dick to something else lmao


Bro the game works fine I even downloaded mods from the official discord and they work fine

Either you got a crappy PC or you're just ass at it (people suck at certain things and you just suck at pressing z,x,c on time)


nobody is defending the game, we're all attacking you for being trash at said shitty game, deal with it


That's crazy, says the dude on that same forum LMAO


What "forum" retard. be fucking specific about shit kid. In the end ya'll are just so fucking funny to laugh at, imagine defending a fucking scammy garbage ass game that has animal cruelity and beastality in it. jesus fucking christ you're all absalutely idiotic underaged retards if you take so much enjoyment in fapping to animals being raped by people.


man you have some anger issues lmao

Just let it go

And fix the anger issues while you're at it

Deleted 1 year ago

Literally saying hang yourself is a sign of anger issues you fucking retard

Deleted 1 year ago

man you're literally telling people to kys because i said you suck at a game like damn bro it ain't that deep 


God,I think you should take your own advice and kill yourself.


you are insulting a game you got so you are technically insulting yourself for getting it. also probably best not telling people to literally kill themselves  over a game that you lack skill for. 

Those are walking, talking, anthro animals that can consent, and it looks like they clearly enjoyed it.