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i can get past the spikes, but the water kills me even after i wait for the switch to charge back up. i tried jumping over it, pressing jump while i was in it, and just jumping into it--i respawn back at the beginning no matter what i do. any tips?

i think this is an interesting idea and a good first game project (especially with a 48-hour deadline!!) are you planning to work on this any more? i think you should--this is a good starting point, and you already have the basic stuff down! game jams are fun, but if you're just starting out then it's nice to have more time. then you can play around and test things more, and that'll help you get more of an intuition for things like waiting times. 15 seconds sounds like a short time when you're coding, but it ends up feeling a lot longer when you actually play.

if you do keep working on this, i recommend playing around with that wait time for a while before you do anything else. try reducing the time until you find a wait that feels good. or could you take out the wait entirely, and just start refilling the switch immediately? the meter already takes some time to fill up, so that could be enough of a wait on its own. or do you even need a charge? maybe play around with letting the player switch whenever they want to, no charging or waiting. there's no "right" answer here, but you'll never know which you like best until you test it out.

but again: this is good for a first project! i think you have a good idea here, and i'd love to see more of it and see it more fleshed out. congrats on the jam!


Thanks for the feedback! I defiantly think that I could’ve made the gameplay better if the timer wasn’t so long. as for the problem with the first level, if you wait until the switch begins turning green again, you should be able to get past it. I dunno what’s happening there, it works for me, but other people have been having the same problem. once again, thank you for the feedback!


oops used my alt instead of my main

(1 edit)

interesting... yeah, hardware-specific issues seem difficult to solve. i haven't had to deal with any yet myself, so i don't even know how to start figuring out that kinda thing. i'll try and give it another shot!

EDIT: i beat it now! i didn't realize everything switched back on its own when the meter filled up--i thought you had to manually switch it every time. i think if you could communicate that better in-game, things would be more intuitive. maybe the graphics could change, for example, between water and lava depending on whether they're switched or not. once i understood how the switch worked, the rest of the game made so much more sense. like the wait timer: it's the amount of time things stay switched, not just pointless waiting. and the only time i really noticed the wait was on that first part, when the spikes and the water are right next to each other. i managed to get through the rest of the game without standing in one place for too long.

a couple more critiques: one of the later levels (think between the boxes) looked really tricky and i was having trouble figuring it out, until i fell down a pit and happened to land on the statue. watch out for this kind of thing! i'm not sure if that's what i was supposed to do, but it felt like i skipped the challenge on accident. the moving platforms also behave weirdly, in that the horizontal ones don't carry you with them. this is a tricky thing to get right, and i don't blame you for focusing on other things. if you're looking to keep working on this though, there are plenty of video tutorials on exactly this issue, because it's actually a very common problem for people who are starting to make platformers!

this was a fun little game once i knew what to do with the switches, and it had a good amount of levels for a jam! i liked the fakeout ending, too :) i hope you keep developing, even if it's not this project! again, your ideas are great and you'll get more of an intuition for the trickier stuff as you make more games.


Thank you! the level your talking about is level 4. I gave a hint to the player to “think in between the boxes”. I thought the player would understand that yo need to go between the water and spikes, not continue. sorry if it was a bit counterintuitive. I could defiantly edit the textures and explain that in game. Thanks for the feedback and positive comments, it really made my day! (ignore that im using my alt im to lazy to sign out and back in)