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Single greatest joke in the entire jam so far.

th3 g@m3 fri3s my br@in, but it w3nt on too long for my t@st3, i @gr33 with th3 oth3r comm3nts th@t m3ntion m@yb3 sp33ding it up @ bit. oth3r th@n th@t wow thos3 3s @nd @s @r3 @s difficult to c@tch @s hot pot@to3s. if you pl@n to 3xp@nds this post-j@m m@yb3 @dd more kind of int3r@ctions oth3r th@n just b@nning p3opl3, gr3@t g@m3! @nyw@y link to my 3ntry if you w@nt to try: pls try