Review Summary
[ + + - - - ] :: ENJOYMENT
[ + + + + - ] :: CREATIVITY
[ + + - - - ] :: PRESENTATION
Egg Chicken is a multi-level parody of the question "What came first? The chicken or the egg?" The concept is really fun, even if the delivery is a bit scrambled.
Rubric / How I Measure The Score
[ + - - - - ] 1 - Missing
[ + + - - - ] 2 - Somewhat Present
[ + + + - - ] 3 - Present
[ + + + + - ] 4 - Well Done
[ + + + + + ] 5 - Outstanding
Detailed Review
[ + + - - - ] :: ENJOYMENT
The game was cute in a sort of disturbing way; which I enjoyed. I was confused about how to play at first, then when I figured it out I was a bit disappointed. It didn't seem like there was a lot of room for me to progress. I only have one mouse to drag a chicken with, even if I have zillions of chickens on the screen. Perhaps the game could have been scored by the amount of chickens rather than the amount of eggs.
[ + + + + -] :: CREATIVITY
Fun idea! A great thought experiment for the "Chicken and the egg" question. What came first? Well the eggs, obviously!
[ + + - - - ] :: PRESENTATION
The game suffered from a lack of clear UI prompts that made it hard to understand what I needed to do to progress. I did like how you demonstrated the core mechanic on the menu screen though. I think I would have been more confused otherwise.