I actually stopped playing. Games where you don’t really play it but just sit there with a million speech segments give me an itchy trigger finger. Do you play Town of Passion and Zombies Retreat?
yea but i keept loseing my saved game zombie one is tuff i rescued counceler
whats password in zombie one
Do you mean the password for the security upgrade? It’s the .jpg file on the computer documents. I think it’s Lucy
Did you wanna add me on SC and I can give you a hand on the game with quicker replies
i can get to other side of lake online said something bought key in a pool
Yeah you need the rod to fish it out. Might take many attempts though
i have skype if u wanna tlk there amy young i have same pic as i do here
yeah i can add you on there. im just running my computer off a tv screen so i havent gotten around to getting a webcam yet
Couldn't find your profile pic under that name. Just add me: ME Gaming. Youll see blue gaming headphones. thats me
sent u a wave
yeah that’s me. I hit you back