Narrative question - do I get to name myself, or am I always "You"
Also, online account nicknames must start with a capital letter?
"There was a problem talking to the Antihero servers. Please check your Internet connection or try again in a few minutes. IOErrorEvent errorID=2032 type="ioError" text="Error #2032""
Is there a way to tell if my opponent is doing actions? On the first turn it was unclear if there's someone there. (Ah they just finished their turn)
It seems that burgling some buildings gives me lanterns... is there a way for me to know which is which?
"Waiting for <Nickname>" draws in front of the description for "Scout"
For PC builds, I dumbly assumed that I could use the mouse (without click-dragging) to pan the screen around. Now that I know about arrows/click+drag I can work around it, but my first assumption was wrong.