Review Summary
[ + + + - - ] :: ENJOYMENT
[ + + + + - ] :: CREATIVITY
[ + + + + - ] :: PRESENTATION
An RPG turned horror! There isn't a more feared monster than an adventurer out to get your booty!..
treasure, guys.. I mean treasure.. Watch in horror as he dispatches chest after chest. Run, you helpless little chest! Before he gets you too! The smooth graphics and thematic encounters are enough to forgive the gameplay for being a bit clunky at times. It's no worse than some of the N64 games you never finished.
Rubric / How I Measure The Score
[ + - - - - ] 1 - Missing
[ + + - - - ] 2 - Somewhat Present
[ + + + - - ] 3 - Present
[ + + + + - ] 4 - Well Done
[ + + + + + ] 5 - Outstanding
Detailed Review
[ + + + - - ] :: ENJOYMENT
That was stressful! I'm just glad I made it out alive.. Who knew that adventurers could be so scary! Freakin' murder hobos, goring every chest they see..
Great implementation of stealth mechanics. I died trying to bean him in the head the first time. You did a great job of making me feel helpless! I think I would have given it an extra star if I had more confidence about what I was doing. Sometimes I wasn't sure which way I was supposed to go, or how to progress.
The mechanics were also bit confusing at times. At first I didn't realize I could move my mouse to change my view. Still confused why the Q and E rotation are there. Also wasn't always sure if the adventurer could notice me. Would give another star if the controls were more intuitive.
[ + + + + -] :: CREATIVITY
Very well done in this regard. Not only did you reverse the roles of an adventurer looking for treasure, but you also made me genuinely feel for the chests T_T
[ + + + + - ] :: PRESENTATION
I'm jealous of any game that manages a high framerate on my toaster. The graphics were smooth, with little-to-no rough edges. Your tutorial prompts were well placed, and you gave me a genuine feeling of dread with the use of your visual effects. Whoever voiced the dying chest, I applaud you as well.