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I played this one when you launched it. I remember that I loved it, especially because I could make the character act a lot like someone brave and strong, something that I particularly find difficult to find in a visual novel (perhaps I'm looking at the wrong places); a lot of times the protagonist just seem too coward or too weak or both in my view, and there isn't a way of making her act less like these, she just is and that's it. I never felt this with The Lady's Choice; I could make the protagonist talk back and be brave. This ray of possibilities it's what I loved most.

But, well, after I played Blake and Stanton, I was like crazy trying to discover what in hell I had made wrong that I wasn't able to make Amesbury's route. Then I read, on lemmasoft, I think, that it wasn't made and I was "oh, no" and very sad and like "I DIDN'T PLAYED IT ALL" (sometimes I hate being a completionist xD). When you said that you would made the route for December, flowers blossomed in my head! I loved the news! And then, after months, I just recently replayed Stanton and Blake and falled in love with them and with the choices that I can make all over again and while I'm going crazy waiting for Amesbury's route (I literally look here every day), I finally created courage to say that I loved the visual novel.

I can barely wait for Amesbury and for more visual novels made by you :3

Oh wow, what a wonderful comment :D Thank you so, so much for gathering the courage to leave a comment, I really appreciate it! It's so amazing to hear you enjoyed the visual novel so much, and that you liked the choices for the main character. I tend to find protagonists in visual novels always seem more set in personality than I would like too, I think that's why I tried to make it so open for the player on how to change the MC in The Lady's Choice.

It was a good time for you to comment as well, because Amesbury's route is going to be released later today! (Probably quite a bit later, though, I still have a bit to do on it :D ).

I really hope you enjoy Amesbury's route as much as the others! And, thank you again, for such a supportive, lovely comment :)

Yes! Well said, their personality usually it's more set; gladly it's not the case with The Lady's Choice, you really made a good job in making the MC personality's more open. And I'm glad you liked my comment :3

I just finished Amesbury's route, and I must say that I loved it too! Sometimes I just laughed a lot when the Swindler appeared and when the MC received his gifts (and I laughed so much that I almost fell of my chair when the MC recovered her hat. Seriously, the way the scene unrolled... Perfect!), and in general, the way the route goes is lovely! I also enjoyed Montfort, he is such a good character! And... Well, Arabella and Ernest being the two lovebirds we love! (Sometimes I cheer more for them then for the MC xD)

And the CGs... OK, all right, I loved everything, I admit xD

The Swindler was great to write, I had a lot of fun with those scenes :D

It's great to hear you enjoyed it after having to wait for it! I was so nervous about releasing it, so it puts my mind at ease to know people like Amesbury and the characters :)