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(1 edit) (+2)

This is a very nice looking and highly addictive game. I liked the pixelated art style and font. (is that an existing font, or did you make it yourself? If the former, what's the name?)

My only problem is that I had a lot of trouble figuring out what the various units did. You said in another comment that the icons denote gameplay mechanics that didn't make it in, but are there any differences in the units? I found that 6 pointers in the first level could lose to much cheaper units, but later armies consisting of 6-pointers kicked my ass. So, do they area damage or something?

And what exactly are the other differences? It just bugs me that my best run (39) happened when I was just trying whatever, and that all attempts at executing a pre-planned strategy died sooner :p

(1 edit)

Hey! Thanks a lot for the good feedback.

a short explanation of the system.
- 1 / 2 pointers are melee units that don't deal a lot of damage but have a lot of health.
- 4 pointers attack over a range of 2 fields and have slightly higher damage but also less health than 1/2 pointers
- 6 pointers have a high amount of damage, low attackspeed and low health. Also they attack over a long range.

The reason why 6 pointers lose in the beginning is because they don't have a lot of health and the reason why they are so good in the end is because their damage increases significantly with the 2/3-star version.

A good strategy we found was to build some melee units in the start and get them to level 3 and then slowly replace them with ranged units. 

EDIT: Then fonts name is Arcade: 

Thanks again for playing :)