I like this concept-version, because this labyrinth (maze) is harder to play, than the original one. But this version has some smaller problems left, which are not solved so far. I don't really wonder about that, because it's only a concept-version and not a final game, but nevertheless, i want to mention the problem i found.
When i played the game yesterday, a ghost suddenly came from the outside of the screen (from the side) into the labyrinth and i wondered about that. Then i thought about, how the original labyrinth looked like and i remembered, that there is this path on the side, that you can use for running out on one side of the screen and coming in, at the other side and also the CPU-ghosts sometimes use this way. Here in this changed labyrinth, this way is closed and not available, but some of the ghosts still use this path anyway from time to time, even when it's closed by a wall here. It is, as if the ghosts are already programmed for the normal labyrinth, although they are still in a changed concept labyrinth here.