Thanks for taking the time to both read and reply, to my long ass comment and indulge in me rambling! And fair point about not wanting to be stuck on a ship with a raging bull i guess.
But it still feels like they're doing a poo poo job at making sure you don't go bananas on them, and considering some conversations they all know it'll end very poorly for them.
And I've noticed the hints about how R has past trauma from abuse and stuff, and does in fact have a death wish... but i'll wait and see what happens next, before deciding if their behavior is justified or not.
To be fair we didn't hurt R near L's family, on the station so to speak hehe.
And i admit joia has the most right to be confused about all this, and she does come to the decision that we're both fucked up. But at the end it still shows that she depends on us, from how she holds on to our hand at the end so that counts as somethin.
And Nash is either too jealous and happy that we lost IVI, or felt like she was replacing them as #1 i close?👀
Oh right about the being conscious about behaving on the smuggler's ship, we did nearly choke R to death soooo, and the part with Ki-Ha doesn't scream behaving, but i guess our stay was cut short anyways.
Also now that we ain't on L's ship or the smuggler's, no one better have a problem with me taking IVI back by force sure have a problem if i kill R otherwise shut up cause L has no authority now hehe.
The easy solution of shooting R, while very appealing...makes me feel like i'll miss on some interesting stuffs down the line, but hey it's the quickest way to get IVI back.
I might change a few points, or add some after i've woken up properly.
Again thanks for reading!