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I'm Kai, factory coordinator and freelance writer. I've enjoyed a wide range of games ranging from AD&D to 13th Age, Call of Cthulhu to Dogs in the Vineyard, Eclipse Phase to Night Witches. I believe there are some great game ideas to be found everywhere: indie design, storygames, OSR, larps, and television reality game shows (credit to Becky Annison for that last one), and I want to integrate good ideas from anywhere they can be found.

My home is in Selangor, Malaysia, and I'm fortunate to live close to a large population of roleplayers and really cool game folks. Also, the food here is really good. :) My partner Elisha and I write about games we like and the local gaming scene on this blog

I became interested in SWORDDREAM from the discussions on twitter by people I follow (Jamila, Michael T. Lombardi, Ben/Flowers). I really dig the nine principles. My *DREAM is PIPEDREAM, a hack of Cthulhu Dark with pipe-smoking halflings who ostensibly investigate mysteries around their home region of Irisfields, which is often visited by Big Folk more powerful than they are. My fantasy world will be Tolkienesque but also more diverse and colourful. Goblins will not be creatures of evil, but rather descendants of elves abandoned by their kin long ago. The metaphysics and morality may be more complex and less Catholic.