I haven't appeared to find any rewards from the quests so far as one would expect as it is indeed a quest.
Although, i've found the quests in themselves act as a great tutorial.
Without quests, I wouldn't of known that spikes 1 hit you because I would always avoid them until I felt like testing them.
Imagine being at the very end of the game next to a hard enemy and thinking; "I can avoid that by going over this spike. Surely 1 heart is worth it considering I don't need them anymore and this is less of a hassle." **Then proceeds to get 1 hit.**
I guess you could say, the reward from quests is the greatest one of all; Knowledge.
As a matter of a fact, I'd love if as soon as you finished the quests you unlocked an NPC in the starting village that gave you a new starting seed. Also, onto that fact, I'd love if that NPC said to you at the end of the quests;
"You earned the greatest reward of all from the quests, Knowledge. Now wait 10 seconds because I like loading screens."
(Every dot is 1 second passing btw and the npc doesn't say the part in brackets but the area in ")
". . . . . . . . . ." "SIKE, here's a seed as cool as your tarot card, the fool"
Also, every time you talk to him after that, he proceeds to say randomly generated tips or quotes from a pool."
Such as "The fool is the strongest tarot card. Not because the person with that card is a fool, but rather a blank slate that can be mended into anything." or for example; "The written word creates forgetfulness in the learners soul. - Socrates"
another example; "What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right. -Albert Einstein"
(Much like binding of isaac in that sense. E.G. The lost or azazel or cain)
If you do consider that suggestion, I'd be happy to help with getting quotes for it.
the Man, the Myth, the Maker.