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(1 edit) (+1)

The gameplay is neat but gets repetitive fast, I like the reference to the game Raft (at least I'm pretty sure that's what's being referenced here) but the art's not great and I couldn't tell the difference between planks and food, and there's not much done with the concept. Still, though, there's room for improvement. Add a few more mechanics so it doesn't get repetitive, fix the art, and do more with the concept (perhaps the person reshapes the raft which changes the hitbox), and you've got a neat game.

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing and for the feedback! Yup pretty much I'm referencing about Raft since that's probably the most popular raft games out there. And yes I agree with the art with the planks and food kinda looking a bit similar, not that good of an artist yet and with limited time I did what I can lol. And based on most of the comments here, this game falls short but has a lot of potential and I'm glad some people are actually giving me constructive criticism to help me improve the game, so thank you for that!