Love the concept of positionning yourself behind ennemies just like in a real jet battle!
The ship designs are funky, I don't know if i encoutered all of the enemies since i didn't get very far, but I especially like the big crab looking guy that has a twin shot :D
Too bad there is no enemy (that i know of) that attacks you from the top of the screen, they become pretty much harmlessif they don't catch one of the position swapping powerups, I was expecting to see some of them lay mines or something ^^
Oh and some sort of indicator of when the player can dodge again would be a massive QOL improvement, as well as a way to clear bullets maybe ? (I don't know how bullet-hell-ish you want to make it though so it might be fine without it).
Love the concept, I can definetly see a very fun game in there, keep up the good work!