all i want to see is Icon of brasil, but this game is true hell. It`s harder than all enemies from full dark souls series with x100 stats
Im gonna impress some coments, i passed the tutorial. !!SPOILERS AHEAD!!
aubrey`s drug world is even harder bruh, it`s like being shot by 1000 soldiers with aimbots (homing bullets) with minuguns
edit: i passed the game , easiest level was the moment after drug world. Hated the switch searching because of low space to dodge and see, but the bossfight is hella good. I can say just one tip:
funny bat and nails > a child who has become a god and turned his best friend in a giantic creature capable of destroying whole city.
ALSO edit: basilla : destroyer of dreams is not that good name. Ya beter refer to DOOM and the ICON OF SIN (so ICON OF BASIL)