Thank you for your feedback, I'll answer point by point.
> In terms of other issues, I noticed that the map always seems to have a "?" point of interest marker at 0,0.
I'll keep an eye out for it. Could be a bug, there's only one event marker that should spawn in the wilderness but it's location is randomized.
> Also it's possible through bad luck/timing to create a habitat, enter it, and already have the Group there waiting for you.
That's intentional :) The Group knows about you from the start so if you're not careful enough, there could be a situation like this.
> On the random comment side, I died to ambushes several times - but it gets much easier to survive them once you realise that the blackops agents don't start alerted to your presence (apparently they either can't see your host in the dark or don't mind random civvies showing up at their ops).
Currenly implementing a habitat growth that will warn you of ambushes (right now the game only does that on easy difficulty). You're correct, they're not fully alert giving player a chance to survive. But they will burn the habitat anyway, reducing your max energy so it's not a total win in any case.
> They're also the only real reason combat body features are useful. For pretty much anything else keeping a low profile makes much more sense. That isn't a criticism though.
No, you're right. Combat evolution is in need of a revamp. I'm thinking of making a separate combat-heavy gameplay mode and moving it all there so as not to confuse anyone.
> I like that there are lots of sub-objectives, including hidden and non-essential things like finding the original host and developing dopamine control.
> I also like the horror feel. Learning your victims' names through brain probe is a nice touch. And I like that the game doesn't tell you how to play - I started off trying not to kill people but that obviously makes life much more difficult - the safest way to play is be paranoid, stay out of sight, and murder dozens of people by starting up evolution in the sewers then running their bodies into the ground. It all really forces you to think like an amoral alien body-snatcher.
The sewers in this city probably have whole mounds of bodies hidden :) Glad you like it! The possibility of a non-lethal playthrough never leaves my mind but it's pretty far until I get to it. The next release will focus on sounds, music and some fixes. Were there any parts of the game that you were confused about and spent significant time figuring out?