- Concept
- Art
- Juice
- Sound
- Controls. Why can't I drive diagonally? Why can't I drive in any direction with a game controller? Why does the cursor get lost in all the visual noise?
- Fire hurts me! But I'm supposed to be setting the fires. It's far to easy to paint yourself into a corner. I didn't even realise that was why I was failing at first. Then I did a specific test and discovered that yes, indeed sitting in a fire hurts. I think it'd be instantly improved with that removed.
- Police occasionally spawn right next to you, and hit you before you've had time to react.
- It's really hard. I tried the tutorial about 10 times, and never passed it! I did pass the first level, but nothing other than that.
Well done still. You've created a working game that looks incredible in just 48 hours. No easy task, I know.