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Yeah I think the lean is tied to the steering somehow but there's also ways of tying it to the VR headset which I've been enjoying - counterbalancing the steer with a whole body movement is really immersive, especially when you tie the bike lean / steer to the gyro on a controller...

I worked out the chase camera, for some reason I thought it was just a 3/4 view but tried the camera controls on it and it's pretty good as is - I've got as far as the berm section now. Still finding it tricky to maintain control even on the arcade version , there's a couple of great edge cases where you suddenly spin 180 or 360 on the spot :)

cheers fella, Chris

180/360 degrees spin – is something unpleasant and annoying, but unfortunately it is natural (as I understand, we are talking about spins on steep descent in corners, otherwise it is something new and probably a bug). I have explored these spins in detail and conclude that they are induced by magic helper forces that maintain proper bike lean. In real life these spins are simple skids that leads to immediate fall, but arcade mode prevent falls by supporting bike with magic forces. On flat surface, when weight distributed uniformly among wheels it leads to drifting, but on steep terrain in corners 180/360 spin happens. If true balancing approach will succeed the problem will be solved on its own (no magic forces – no magic spins), otherwise I will think how to get rid of them in arcade mode. For now I can recommend to lean back and down to pass such corners safely. Good luck!