Alright, so, ehm, lol. Sort of beat the game without left clicking at all XD umm so but yeah. best game for speedrunning of the year award goes tooooooo *badadadadalalalaump* *drumrolllllll* NPC 48! Pro tip: SPAM C YOU GO ZOOMIE ZOOOOOM NYRRRRRM!!!!!! I was able to clear every gap and even swing out of bounds with this lol. Anyways I would recommend placing a trigger collider in the top half of the player to check if the player can stand up again, and also always allow the player to add some momentum to itself, as I've found myself stuck on rocks or under that bit at the beginning teaching you to use "c". Also would love a toggle to switch crouch to ctrl. or shift, maybe use an or gate instead? ZOOMIE ZOOM GO ZOOM!!!!!!!!!! EMBRACE THE ZOOOOOM. Keep grapple and keep the zoomies but make levels where you run from a firewall and have to zoomie zooooom swing across mega gaps and through a giant hall thing (about as big as the end bit with the spinny bits, but longer) and get to an exit/transfer terminal at the end, this would be fuunnnnnnnnn. ZOOMIE ZOOM ZOOOOOOM VROOOM NYRRRMMMMMMMM "when the bug is a feature :)" absolutely. Maybe make platforms small so not much runway and then swingy swingg go swinnnggg whoOOOOOSH and SWING. Would love to see this game be speed based and go zoomie. gr8 game tho good job much enjoy bug was not bad only enhanced the game. 14/15 stars. Also CARLSON!?! :O :O :O :O :O