Wacky, charming, cute, BORZOINK! great name xD I managed 1397 after a few runs, but it seems no one else is posting high scores so idk how I stack up against others D':
Seeing you have 200+ comments already I dont think theres much more I can contribute, but I'll quickshoot a bunch of things and hopefully theres something that hasnt been said
-add point values that pop up (kinda like dmg numbers) so you know how many points something is worth, know exactly when youre getting points, and generally add more feedback on your actions
-if you spin around next to a wall, you can start to float your guys up
-camera went wonky one time in top right corner of map and couldnt see stuff anymore
-music volume kinda loud
-cursor is no longer borzoink when you hover over buttons on main menu. This is dependent on the zoom scale of the browser. At 50% hes still borzoink no matter where your cursor xD
-web resolution is too large and fits awkwardly on webpage at 100% scale
-you have setting in itch.io page that adds a second fullscreen button. the itch fullscreen button fullscreens the game with respect to webpage scale but still keeps the unity fullscreen button on it. The unity fullscreen button removes the bottom bar, and properly fullscreens it. you can specify the viewport dimensions so the unity bar on bottom isn't cut off either, just add an extra 60 px or so
-score and timer text can be kinda hard to see depending on whats behind them, having them on a separate panel would make look nice as heck
-i did ctrl+r to restart one of my runs real quick without having to wait for timer to run out and it reset my high score because thats bound to R D;
-mute button text is very blurry and since its only one thing in options, it could probs just be on the main menu in the corner or something. TextMeshPro (part of unity, but need to import the package) makes it a lot easier to do clean fonts and works almost the same as default unity text with extra options
-gameplay is quick and chaotic i love it. would love if theres other people you can knock around too haha xD
-sound effects + music: perfection. i love the song stops at end of timer, but i think something threw off the timing in one of my runs (probs clicking out of game or alt+tabbing)
-the way dog moves his legs is just smart and hilarious
-i misunderstood the hazard stats panel at first, but I think the point + bonus point system is really interesting. i think you only get the bonus when the object is destroyed? could call it damage reward and destruction reward or something like that to make more clear
-the physics with the rope and guy is way fun. very satisfying to just spin around :D
hope it doesnt seem like im nitpickings, i had a lot of fun in this game and wanted to contribute at least something that hasnt been said already xD