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(2 edits) (+2)

Fuck... I just finished reading this, and I got to say: Now I'm going to think about it ALL night (Literally, I work at night today :v). Of all the novels I have read, this one is the third that has made me cry. I hope there's sequel, I would like some answers (Plaster's whereabouts, for example). Seriously, I think this is well written, and that's considering english is not my native languaje, now imagine if I had read this in Spanish...

Also, I usually change music manually from time to time while reading, but I got stuck listening to "Fullmoon Horology ~ Eternal Paradox" for what, three straight hours?

You have my respect, not all people write things like these.

Well, I have rambled enough. Still, thank you. Thank you very much. You've made my day very entertaining. :D


Thank you! This is such an amazing compliment. I definitely do have a sequel planned for the future. I left a few things unanswered for that reason to come back to visit when more of the story is worked on. (I actually have a smaller project regarding Plaster being worked on right now by the main character artist who drew ember and plaster throughout the vn. It'll release hopefully this month. Be sure to follow my twitter to see it when it's done :D)


Very well, I'll check twitter when I can. Thanks for the reply. Another thing: Can I request and try to translate this into Spanish? I'm not a writer or anything, but I kinda found renpy somewhat intuitive to use. If possible, I could translate directly on the code or something.

I don't want to impose or anything. And I apologize in advance for the burden :'3


I appreciate the offer! I am a little wary of handing out the entire source code like that, but if it's something you really want to do, be sure to message me on discord and we can talk about it more there :D I'm open to the idea