Thank you for your feedback! Currently the scheduling and routine system have been made in the game but not implemented for each of the targets hence u see they just wander around the room and leave at specific time. The proper scheduling and routine will be properly implemented once I finished the resources part of the game. More locations will be added and some isolated spot will be introduce. Further down the development, NPCs will also be introduced to increase the danger of just walking up and putting the Halo in a public area.
For the corruption of authority figures, that mechanic will be introduced in the form of perks. Once you corrupt a target enough and unlock the perk, it will give you the ability to command the target to locked up certain location and effectively isolate anyone within the location. The idea of this design is that corrupting certain target open up opportunity to corrupt other targets and you can snowball from there.
Thank you once again for the interest in the game and I am sorry that the development progress is so slow. But there is a big change in my real life right now and it can potentially speed up the development (Hopefully). Unless it went horribly wrong and stop the development entirely, LOL.