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"I also just hope you're having fun with your characters as well!!!" --> I definitely am!! Tbh the chars are the major reason why I'm still chugging away after all this time and why I'm still so motivated to keep working each and every day on it lakdjfasd I normally am not super great at actually finishing larger projects that I start out to but the chars and this story overtook me to the point where it's been the largest part of my life for the last...... gosh almost two years now 💦

"I trust you as a storyteller." --> THANK YOU????? That honestly means a lot and gives me a lot of confidence lakdjfas This story has already grown so much larger than I ever expected it to when I first started out, and the characters, too. I know where I'm headed with them in my head for the finale -- I just hope I can actually make it work when it comes to writing and directing it LOL And I want players who've been along for the ride to feel like the ending is deserved ig 💦

"The fact that you drew parts of it from your own personal experience,  just shows your alchemic ability to transmute your raw unique experience into material that illuminates the humanity within all of us." --> THIS IS TOO MUCH?????? YOU ARE FLAYING ME WITH YOUR WORDS LKASJDFLASKDF

"Thanks for giving players like me, such a rewarding emotional experience (and lovely memories) revolving around such an awesome cast of characters. " --> YOU ARE SO WELCOME. It fills me with joy every day to be able to share something that's so meaningful to me and have people enjoy it so much (despite also making me feel a bit embarrassed LOL).

Thank you so much for all your words of encouragement!! I've been pretty up and down lately due to general mental health stuff so honestly this means so much and is really giving me a lot of joy and feels right now. Thank you for taking the time to leave such a wonderful and sweet comment!! 😭💕