Hello, Thank you for supplying me with bugs and I appreciate that you like it so far. Below I have listed the bugs you listed and hopefully attiquit responses. If you have any clarification you need or more bugs you find dont hesitate to tell me. Thank you!
The reason is for '-before you get the dog back, there is no message after you select “Potion 10$”' Is the fact that you have no money but Meranda when you return her dog gives you $15 which then gives you enough money to buy a potion.
'-if you enter the screen where you find the dog from above, you immediately walk out again' This is a common mistake I have made when programming it took me about two seconds to fix thanks for reporting.
'he immediately tells you don’t have enough money. this is a variable problem with out it is listed out when fixing it I noticed that the variable also acts angry after a purchase which does not make any since so I fixed that too.
'“You suddenly remember you forgot something at your house.” bugs as it finishes, becoming “house.ddenly remember you forgot something at your house.” Something similar happens when that guy asks you to get a message to the mayor.' This is a engine side problem I sadly have no way to fix it and have no idea why it only happens with those words'